Thinking about something diffrent

July 09, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Thinking about shooting something different from others

This 4th of July in our town Bryan, Ohio, pilots fly from mostly Ohio, Michigan and Indiana to Williams County Airport for a breakfast fly-in. This was my second time to this event. I love planes and this airport you can get pictures you normally cannot get from others. Being like 50 yards from the runway is great. Just like everyone else with a camera, everyone was taking pictures of planes, myself included. Early in the morning, I wanted to take something different that possibly would be something different that possibly no other photographer thought that day. I thought, how about doing a silhouette? I did a few of the planes and I was not happy with the results, finally, an older trainer plane flew in and this was what I was looking for. I waited for the perfect lineup and click. I call it my wow picture. Something different. Silhouettes are not hard to shoot. You need the background brighter than your subject. Expose for the background lighting and your subject turns dark. The key to a good silhouette is sharpness and shape. I took the picture, played with it in photoshop and came up with something I felt was a vintage poster or magazine. Keep practicing and have fun. Challange yourself, what can I make that is different from others? I do this all the time. I get the safe shots and then I want to try something out of the box.

Man and his flying machineMan and his flying machinePictures at the Willams County Airport at this year 4th of July fly-In Man and his flying machineMan and his flying machinePictures at the Willams County Airport at this year 4th of July fly-In


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